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- SGInnovate Tech Startups Report
SGInnovate Tech Startups Report

SGInnovate Tech Startups Report
Designed by Studio Giraffe, SGInnovate’s Singapore Early-Stage Emerging Tech Startups 2023 landscape report offers an overview of the trends in ecosystem developments in Singapore’s emerging tech startup pipeline.
Designed by Studio Giraffe, SGInnovate’s Singapore Early-Stage Emerging Tech Startups 2023 landscape report offers an overview of the trends in ecosystem developments in Singapore’s emerging tech startup pipeline.
Look & feel (graphic style and supplementary colour palette)
Cover illustration
Layout design
Data visualisation
Incorporate different aspects of emerging tech on the cover.
Create a clean, polished layout taking inspiration from SGInnovate’s brand identity.
Maximise legibility and convey detailed quantitative insights via graphs.
The cover illustration composition brings together elements from the wide range of fields covered in the report. A clean outline style with vibrant pops of colour gives a professional yet lively look.
Imagery, icons and text callouts were used to create hierarchy within the content for a reader-friendly layout.
A consistent graph style was created and implemented across all charts in the report.